Should you buy a used or new car?
This question has been a prevailing point of discussion for a long, long time. There are advocates for both sides of the debate, each armed with compelling reasons. Individuals often have a hard time making the decision due to these push-pull debates, but the choice of which is best all starts and ends with saving money. Which one, used or new, offers the best savings for the buyer? Once this is sorted out, the customer can decide whether to go where to buy used cars directly or a car lot that offers both used and new options. We are going to examine some pros and cons of both classes of cars so that the reader can make informed decisions.
The pros of buying a used car include the belief that used cars cost less, have lower insurance and the buyer can rest easy, knowing that the make/model of the car is not likely to go out of circulation in a hurry. The cons of a used car include the long-term cost of maintenance, which might not be immediately apparent, but is nonetheless real. With a new car, a major advantage is that you are not likely to spend money making …